Inside the January 2008 Issue of Cleaner
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Always Innovation
Cover Story
From pipe bursting, to trenchless water line repair, to new ways of dispatching and invoicing, Pipe Wrench Plumbing gains an edge with technology.
A High-Return, Low-Risk Investment
From The Editor
If you’re seeking maximum return on your dollar, you can hardly do better than to invest heavily in attendance at a major industry trade show.
Object Lesson
Safety First
Four fatalities in Superior, Wis., underscore the importance of confined-space safety.
Be It Resolved ...
Money Manager
Here are 10 ideas for the new year that can increase your odds of achieving personal and financial success in 2008 and beyond.
Put It on Autopilot
Better Business
Business systems can help owners break away from day-to-day demands, focus more on growth, and gain more personal freedom.
Jetting Sand
Overheard Online
In removing heavy debris from a mainline, is the problem with the nozzle or technique? Or is the jetter itself not up to the job?
Overtaking Competitors
Pipe bursting helps a growing contractor in Delaware gain an edge and expand its services into profitable commercial and county contracts.
Hitting the Target
Special Feature
New systems and tools help contractors enhance efficiency in a full range of horizontal directional drilling applications.
Just Ducky!
Money Machines
Trucks bearing a bright-yellow trademark character help a Northern Wisconsin contractor stand out from competitors.
Pull or Punch?
Tech Perspective
Static and pneumatic pipe bursting each have benefits for specific applications. Savvy pipe repair contractors take time to learn the difference.
Eye in the Sky
Reader Pipelines
Contractors weigh the merits of using global positioning systems to improve fleet monitoring and enhance technician productivity.
Against Long Odds
Tough Job
A force main replacement project for a Wisconsin casino includes 20,000 feet of static pipe bursting and 4,000 feed of HDD.
A Lightweight, Portable Lateral Pipe Bursting System
Product Spotlight
It’s no picnic trying to manhandle a bulky pipe bursting machine into an excavation pit to replace a lateral.
Clinics for Cleaners
WWETT Preview
The education program at the 2008 Pumper & Cleaner Expo provides ample learning opportunities for contractors serving accounts of all types.