A Business-Like Approach to Drain Cleaning

California contractor finds that there’s more to running a profitable company than being a skilled tradesman.
A Business-Like Approach to Drain Cleaning
The Hansen’s Plumbing team includes (front, from left) plumber Anthony Steiger, plumber Manuel Aranda, dispatcher Peggy Ledbetter, owner Cary Hansen, Patti Hansen, plumber Alexander Bryan, apprentice Jacob Slay, plumber Nathan Paul and apprentice Kole Hansen; (back) apprentice Daniel Paul and office manager Eileen Paul.

For years, Cary Hansen felt like he owned just a job while running his business, Hansen’s Plumbing & Mechanical in Ventura, California. But fueled by a relentless drive for self-education in the ways of business, Hansen now feels like he truly owns a company — and the...

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