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Cleaning + Get AlertsFor contractors with dedicated waterjet units (e.g., 10,000 psi or 20,000 psi), attracting new customers whose jobs require different pressures can be a challenge. With convertible pump units, it’s much easier to pursue new opportunities and expand your business.
Some models in the NLB 225 Series, for example, can be converted in about 20 minutes to any of eight operating pressures, from 8,000 psi to 40,000 psi. Being able to get such a range of pressures from a single pump unit opens up applications you couldn’t do before.
Converting the NLB 225 is easy. All you need is a conversion kit, which comes in a convenient carrying case. You don’t have to change the manifold; just flip down the manifold cover and swap out the plungers.
Convertibility is just one way NLB pump units help contractors grow. Reliability and uptime are two more. NLB pumps feature advanced engineering that minimizes turbulence for top operating efficiency. Valves and other components are precision-machined of high-grade stainless steel and hard-coated for long life. And maintenance is exceptionally easy, with time-saving features like five-minute packing changes.
The higher your waterblaster’s uptime, the more income it can generate for you. And when it’s convertible to different pressures, it gives you the flexibility to do a wider range of jobs without more capital investment. For more information, or a video demo of how easy conversions can be, visit