Currahee Cutters Provide Solutions for Pipe Inspection and Rehabilitation

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Currahee Cutters Provide Solutions for Pipe Inspection and Rehabilitation

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CUES is proud to introduce the small and large Currahee Cutters. These cutters are specifically designed to reinstate wastewater service laterals, remove protruding taps, and brush-finish existing cuts. The cutters function in a range of 5.25- through 36-inch pipe, are equally effective in CIPP or fold and form liners, and can be installed on a CUES K2 truck-mounted cutter system or any CCTV manufacturer's truck-mounted system.

CUES also developed a new 1.9 hp air motor for the small Currahee Cutter line to provide more power, increased productivity, and a smoother cut when operating in 6- to 12-inch relined pipe. Kits are available to retro-fit Currahee Cutters for use with Kangaroo air-motors and service kits can be purchased for regular maintenance intervals on existing motors. 

Contact CUES for a discussion and demonstration.

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