EPL Solutions SpeedCut Prioritizes Customer-Friendly Design

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In this video from the 2023 Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport (WWETT) Show, John Bartucciotto of EPL Solutions discusses the features of the company’s SpeedCut chain cutter, designed for descaling, liner reinstatement/removal and root removal in 2- to 6-inch pipes.

New features include an updated frame design to make it easier to handle in tight areas with limited floor space, and a clamshell foot pedal — the solution to a customer note that operation was more difficult when wearing large shoes or boots. The clamshell foot pedal makes that easier, plus it can also instead be used for hand-held operation.

For more information, visit www.epls-usa.com, call 714-453-9760 or email sales@epls-usa.com.


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