Iowa Contractor Easily Cleans Pipe in Hard-To-Access Areas Thanks to Dyna-Vac Jetting Machine

Rubber-tracked jetting machine allows Iowa contractor to clean lines with difficult access and open up new market niches

Iowa Contractor Easily Cleans Pipe in Hard-To-Access Areas Thanks to Dyna-Vac Jetting Machine

Steven Bucklin, co-owner of Absolute Pipe, uses the Dyna-Vac Rhino RH-100 jetting machine. Pipe cleaning jobs with difficult access points haven’t been a problem since the company acquired the unit.

Cleaning sewers lines under hard-to-access property easements used to be a tantalizing but unattainable market niche for Steven Bucklin, co-owner of Absolute Pipe in Newton, Iowa, a small rural town about 30 miles west of Des Moines.

“We knew there was easement work out there,...

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