Pinpoint Trouble Spots in Drains

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Pinpoint Trouble Spots in Drains

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Simple, accurate and affordable, the MT 512+ Locator will meet the demands of any locate task. This locator is designed for professionals, yet is easy to use. A large, high-contrast LCD display clearly shows signal response in bright sunshine or shadows.

It gives you real-time data including continuous depth, signal strength and directional arrows that guide you to the target location. Audio response supplements the visual data.

Alone, it not only detects 512Hz signal from all MyTana cameras as well as other sondes, but also 640Hz, 815Hz, 8kHz and 33kHz signals. Partner with the LineFinder transmitter to expand the frequency range and pinpoint the location of buried utilities. Using the transmitter lets you take advantage of seven line-tracing modes in addition to sonde mode.

Learn more about the MT 512+ Locator.


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