Putty vs. Silicone: The Great Debate

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In this video, @plumb.hero repairs a shower drain that had been leaking into the customer’s crawl space for who knows how long! The culprit? A no-caulk shower drain, which had slipped out of compression due to lack of strapping. The plumber decides to swap out for an Oatey solvent weld shower drain, followed by cleaning out the putty from the job done prior. 

The video then takes a turn to pose a question, putty or silicone? Despite being taught to use putty, and never having any issues with this method, Plumb Hero explores the potential benefits of silicone after discussions with fellow plumbers and research. Which do you prefer? 

The choice between putty and silicone represents a broader conversation within the plumbing community about evolving practices and best approaches. Whether it's through traditional methods or new technology, the goal is to deliver effective and lasting repairs.

@plumb.hero How to fix a leaking shower @Oatey Co. ♬ original sound - Plumb Hero


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