Matt Mertz recounts how his company helped a restaurant client avoid a costly and time-intensive open-cut excavation to replace a sewer line
While hot water and steam are the more traditional methods of curing pipe liners, newer options like UV and LED UV offer unique advantages
The ASTM standards for cured-in-place pipe can help guide you through the trenchless rehab method — from setup to post-cure testing — to ensure a successful cure
Find out how this contractor’s investment in light-based curing boosted their CIPP business
After being highly focused on building a successful business for 17 years, Matt Mertz is enjoying taking a step back to make more time for his personal life
Robotic cutters open the door to profitable stack-pipe lining for Florida contractor
The duo behind Big Cat Plumbing share why they got into pipe lining and how they chose a supplier
Let’s all get on the same wavelength here
Recession or not, here we come
Epoxytec focuses on developing solutions to rehabilitate water and wastewater infrastructure